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Ocean Shores Permits

Ocean Shore State Recreation Area

The public has use of beaches along Oregon's 362-mile-long coastline as established by the 1967 Beach Bill. The Ocean Shore is administered as a state recreation area by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD).

OPRD regulates ocean shore activities as outlined in Oregon Administrative Rules including:
  • vehicle use, camping and other recreational activities
  • ocean shore alterations

In addition to administering a permit program for ocean shore alterations, OPRD reviews application permits for special events, such as large group gatherings, commercial filming and scientific research.

Ocean shore alterations include the construction of: 
  • shoreline protective structures
  • beach access ways
  • dune grading and sand alterations 
  • pipelines and cables beneath the ocean shore
  • repair, replacement or restoration of a previous improvement
OPRD recommends that you contact ocean shore permit staff prior to submission of an application to discuss the proposal and permitting options. OPRD recommends that applications should be submitted 6 months or more in advance of the desired construction window to allow for completeness review, resubmission, processing, public comment period nad permit review.  For permits (below) that are not submitted electronically, please submit a single hard copy version of the application and all attachments to Allison Mangini by mail at PO Box 2139, Waldport, OR 97394 or make an appointment by calling 541-220-3786 to deliver in-person at 1236 N Beaver Creek Rd, Seal Rock, Oregon. 

All forms are PDF fillable forms, although signatures are required.

Ocean Shore Permit Application and Instructions for:
Access Way & Other Miscellaneous Projects [PDF
Pipelines, Cables or Conduits [PDF
Sand Alteration [PDF
Shoreline Protection Structure (SPS) [PDF]
​Special Instructions:
  • For the application forms above that involve construction equipment or construction associated impacts on the ocean shore, applicants will need to provide sufficient information related to these activities. OPRD has prepared guidance on topics and information to consider and provide with your application.  These are outlined in the “Ocean Shores Construction Impacts, Staging, and Public Safety Plan Guidelines.” [PDF]
  • For requests asking OPRD to consider issuing a permit waiver or repair permit, please use the application form associated with the type of activity being proposed.  Upon receipt of an application, OPRD will determine if the application is satisfactory and complete and whether the project is eligible for a waiver (OAR 736-020-0003) or meets the criteria for repair (ORS 390.650).
  • To prevent loss of the application fee, OPRD recommends submitting the application fee only after the application has been otherwise determined satisfactory and complete.  An application is considered satisfactory and complete only when all required materials are received. It is up to the applicant to provide sufficient information about all proposed activities within the application for OPRD to determine whether a project meets the review standards outlined in rule, that all resources and potential impacts have been identified, and that the proposal represents the alternative with least impacts to the ocean shore and resources.
  • OPRD is actively working on updated guidance, instructions, forms, and other resources.  Applicants are encouraged to check this website for updates and reach out to permitting staff early in the project design process to identify any forthcoming changes.

In the event of an emergency, OPRD may issue a permit for work necessary to provide immediate and temporary relief from an imminent threat. This provides for more time to pursue design and permitting of a permanent solution. The permit and more information is located on this page: click here.

Requests for construction equipment and staging on the ocean shore related to above permitted activities:

Drive on Beach Application Portal (for ADA access or associated with another permit).

Scientific research permits.

Please submit these requests at least 30 days in advance to allow for processing.

Pending Applications

​Applications are evaluated by OPRD against the ocean shore alteration standards (OAR 736-020) and reviewed for consistency with the statewide planning goals and/or the acknowledged county comprehensive plan.  Before issuance, OPRD reviews projects to determine there are no reasonable alternatives to the proposed activity or project modifications that would better protect the public rights, reduce or eliminate the detrimental affects on the ocean shore, or avoid long-term cost to the public. This includes verification the proposal meets the Scenic, Recreation Use, Safety, and Natural and Cultural Resource Standards.  Public feedback is incorporated into OPRD final permit decision.

OPRD welcomes written comments, during the 30-day public review period, that support or object to the activity proposed in the application.  The public is encouraged to provide comments related to the review standards identified in OAR 736-020-0003, 0005, 0010, 0015, 0020, 0025, and 0030 with clear statements on whether issuance would be detrimental to the interests and safety of the public and to the preservation of the natural resource, scenic, recreational and economic values of the ocean shore.

Written comments, including requests for a public hearing, should be emailed to the Ocean Shore Permit Program at  Please include the number of the application you are commenting on in the subject line. 

Public hearings may be held for any application.  If 10 or more written requests for a hearing are received by the end of the 30-day notice period, OPRD is required to hold a hearing. To be considered, written requests must state the interests in the proposed project of the person making the request. If a hearing is proposed, a time and place will be set and notice thereof announced and posted. 

If you would like to be added to the notification list for future ocean shore alteration applications please click here to get on the "interested parties" list.

Ocean Shore Alteration Permit Applications:
You may access the ocean shore alteration permit application, public notice, and hearing date (if applicable) in the table, below. If you do not see the entire table, you may expand it by using the plus (+) button.

Permit Decisions

Ocean Shore permit decisions and finding of fact staff reports.
You may access the permit decisions and finding of fact staff reports (PDF). If you do not see the entire table, you may expand it by using the plus (+) button.

View of Haystack Rock from Cannon Beach ocean shore


Ocean Shores Emergency Alterations Permit Line: 1-888-655-3750
Special Event Permits
(e.g., beach weddings, other special events, non-construction drive-on- beach permits):
Alteration Permits
(Ocean Shoreline Alteration Permits, construction drive-on beach permits, enforcement):
(Alteration Permits Policy, Procedure, Process improvements & coordination)
Ocean Shore Resources
(e.g., ocean shore planning, natural resources, snowy plovers):