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Interest-Based Bargaining (IBB) Training

In traditional bargaining, parties often start with opposing and concrete positions. Interest-based collective bargaining differs from
traditional bargaining by starting with interests, exploring options and building toward solutions. 
A training program conducted by the staff of the State Conciliation Service helps the parties learn a proven method for keeping
the focus on interests while maximizing the options available. The training helps negotiators learn how to find solutions based on consensus. 
Before training, our training specialists meet with representatives of both labor and management to help the parties assess their needs, goals and experience with the method. If following this assessment the parties jointly agree to training, then a training agenda is developed to address the parties' needs.
A two-day training format is intended for parties new to interest-based bargaining. This comprehensive core training allows time for both theory and practical application in the use of problem solving techniques. 
Bargaining teams that used interest-based bargaining in the past and have not significantly changed the composition of their teams may be candidates for the one-day refresher course. Hourly facilitation is available for groups that have completed training to provide ongoing support. 
The fee for local government agencies for the two-day interest-based bargaining training is $2,500. This amount can be divided in any manner agreed to by the two parties. The fee also includes two additional days of post-training facilitation services to help the parties with implementation of the interest-based process. The one day training costs $1,500 and includes one additional day of facilitation service. State agencies pay an interagency assessment and are not subject to fees for State Conciliation services.

Labor-Management Committee (LMC) Training

The State Conciliation Service provides training to help public employers and unions establish a labor-management committee or revitalize a committee already in existence. Participants receive training on best practices for collaborative work groups, communication and interest-based problem-solving skills and techniques, and assistance with developing committee goals and operating procedures. 

Because there isn't one approach to labor management cooperation and training that fits all situations, ERB Training Specialists work with parties to tailor training and facilitation services to meet parties' needs. In addition to our two-day program designed for newly established committees, refresher or focused skill training is available for existing committees. Established groups may also seek facilitation services to assist with review and revision of existing operating procedures or for working through complex or difficult issues. 

Before training, ERB Training Specialists will meet with union and management representatives to discuss the parties' readiness for training, and go over ERB service options. If a joint decision is made to move forward with training or facilitation, ERB will initiate scheduling and a Mediator will work with the parties to develop a customized plan.

The fee for local government agencies for the two-day LMC training is $2,500. This amount can be divided in any manner agreed to by the two parties. The fee also includes two additional days of post-training facilitation services.  The one day training costs $1,500 and includes one additional day of facilitation service. Focused half day training costs $700 and does not include follow up facilitation.  State agencies pay an interagency assessment and are not subject to fees for State Conciliation services.